–Emphasis on the Nigerian Journey.


A Medical Doctor is a Professional trained in the act of Medicine,has completed formal training in an approved Medical School,received the Medical qualification and has satisfied the requirement called for by the Professional Health Care Registration Board of the Country or State they are to practice in.

Medicine can be described as the Art and Science of ensuring or restoring a state of Complete physical, mental, and social well being; preventing illness, diagnosing, treating and restoring human health.

The journey to becoming a Medical Doctor is a tasking albeit fulfilling one and leading requirements include foremostly, an earnest desire to help people, a keen interest in the structure and function of the human body, an Enquiring mind, Discipline, above Average Intelligence,Perseverance and a Strong desire to be a Medical Doctor. It entails lots of sacrifice which include long hours of study,clinical sessions, ability to keep One‘s concentration for extended periods of time,capacity to perform tasks under pressure and within time constraints, amongst others.

Entrance into Medical School is highly competitive worldwide hence it is important and beneficial that the aspiring Medical Student performs above average in required Subjects.In Nigeria, He/She is required to enroll and pass with minimum of Credit levels ( particularly at one sitting ) ; English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics in the Secondary School qualifying exams with reasonable high UTME Scores and Excellent Performance in Post UTME Scores. Other options for admission include Direct entry into 200L through Advanced Graduate Certificate Examination or Degree holders in paramedic courses (this varies from Institution to Institution ).

Following admission into Medical School, the stipulated time given to cover the vast Medical Curriculum at any given level is often not enough,hence the utmost need for Discipline, Time Management, Effecient and Effective Study Methods, use of Audio-visuals, Advice and tips from Senior Colleagues, amongst others. It is worthy to note here that the Medical profession is highly hierarchical and Respect is essentially Important.

Following graduation from Medical School,in Nigeria ,the Medical Doctor undergoes a mandatory 1 Yr period of internship (Housemanship) which qualifies one for Permanent Licence/ Full Registration as a Medical Practitioner, and this preceeds the mandatory Service Year (National Youth Service Corps).

The keenly competitive Placement for Admission ,the various eliminating Exams in Medical School, Internship Placement, Placement for Residency/ Specialty to mention a few are some of the Challenges one might encounter,but like in every worthy venture where obstacles exist,their existence do not deter Successful Individuals, who like Eagles fly ever higher in midst of the Storm.

While there is no renumeration that can actually cover for ” Saving Lives”; the smile on the face of the Mother who holds her Newborn you just helped deliver, the gratitude of a Dad whose Son’s Haemolytic crisis kept you awake all night or the Emmergency Victim for whom your timely intervention averted a

mortality amongst many other similar situations gives an indescribable Joy and Fulfillment for which we are Grateful. In addition, being a Medical Doctor offers the opportunity of various career options, a high level of Status and Respect, an avenue to build long-term satisfying Doctor-Patient relationships , as well as long lasting relationships with colleagues, family ,friends and large number of individuals over time; and while most Medical Doctors are not exactly Billionaires, and generally fall within the Social Strata; “Middle Class”, the Medical Profession offers an Average Income which can serve to Promote other avenues of Wealth Creation.

The Medical Profession offers One the opportunity to follow a number of career paths within and outside the general field of Medicine. One could choose to become a Successful Private Practitioner,as a Medical Officer, or could choose to Undergo further Medical training to become a Specialist/Consultant ,and various specialties exist ; Ophthamology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Emmergency Medicine, e.t.c. One could choose the field of academia ; M.Sc ,PhD, or could choose to pursue a Career at the World Bank, Non-governmental Organizations, or decide to work in the MInistry, could choose to become a Professor , Researcher ,a Medical advisor to Health Care Organization(s), Companies, an Entrepreneur, a Business Owner, Investor amongst many Other Exciting and Fulfilling Options.

In Conclusion, it has been proven time and time again that a Sense of Purpose,Joy and Fulfilment in One’s Chosen Field, Profession ,or Career Path trumps any assumed or accrued benefits in a situation where there is no Fulfilment. Above all, in our Life’s Journey,Plans, and Goals, the singular most Important thing is to Continually walk with GOD, following his leading and Direction.

Yours in the Journey of living our GOD-Self,

    Dr. Margaret AFAM

References :

Ejiwumi,R.(2015)How to become a Medical Doctor.[Blog]How to become a Medical Doctor.Available at:

Scheepers,A.(2013)How to become a Medical Doctor(General Practitioner).[Blog]How to become a Medical Doctor (General Practitioner).Available at:

Further Reading:

Bongdap,N.(2016)The details and requirements to becoming a Medical Doctor in Nigeria.[Blog]How to become a Medical Doctor in Nigeria.Available at :

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